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What is indoor percussion?Indoor refers to indoor percussion, winterguard, and winds. Atlas Percussion is a competitive indoor percussion group consisting of musicians, percussionists, and dancers. Indoor percussion uses music and artistic expression to create an educational and entertaining production.
What is FFCC? What is WGI?The Florida Federation of Colorguard Circuit (FFCC) is the Florida based competition circuit for indoor percussion, winterguard, and indoor winds. Winter Guard International (WGI) is the national competition circuit for indoor percussion, winterguard, and indoor winds. Atlas Percussion performs at both FFCC and WGI competitions including FFCC Championships in Daytona Beach, Florida and WGI Championships in Dayton, Ohio.
What is the time commitment?Atlas members will be provided with a copy of the season’s schedule with their contract. Atlas begins its season in October with auditions and preseason rehearsals. Following the holiday break, Atlas shifts to a full weekend rehearsal schedule as competition season begins. Atlas ends its season at WGI World Championships in Dayton, Ohio in mid April. This is a multi-day event and members can anticipate a one-time Tuesday-Sunday commitment. Information regarding specific times and dates can be provided upon request.
Do I need to attend all rehearsals?Atlas members are expected to attend all scheduled rehearsals and will be provided with the season schedule with their contract. We understand that conflicts arise that may prevent members from attending rehearsals. Atlas members are expected to communicate conflicts in advance, when possible, to the appropriate staff members. Specific policies regarding attendance are provided to members in their contracts.
How much does it cost to march Atlas?Atlas is funded through set membership fees and community fundraising. The total fee will be broken down over 5 months (November - March) and varies based on the total number of membership. The membership fees will be set and provided to members in their contracts.
Does Atlas provide scholarships and/or fundraising?Atlas Percussion works to provide some fundraising opportunities for its members to help alleviate the cost of membership, however Atlas does encourage its membership to acquire sponsorships and donations personally to help offset the cost.
Can I march Atlas and be in high school or college?Absolutely. Many indoor percussion members are in school. Atlas Percussion rehearsals and events occur primarily on weekends, aside from WGI Championships, and should not conflict with academic obligations. Members are provided a letter to give to teachers or employers explaining the anticipated absences during WGI Championships. Members are responsible for managing their schedule, practice habits, finances, and grades. We will work to accommodate the schedule of high school band programs as members are expected to attend all required high school band functions.
How can parents be involved?The success of our program relies heavily on staff, volunteers, and parents! All parents are encouraged to volunteer with Atlas Percussion. Parent support is an integral part of any marching organization and greatly appreciated. If you are interested in volunteering with Atlas Percussion please contact us! (
Can I volunteer with Atlas?If you are interested in volunteering with Atlas Percussion, please contact us.! We are always looking for volunteers to help us at rehearsals, competitions, and fundraisers. Volunteer opportunities: Prop building, transportation, fundraising, feeding membership, and more! (
How old do I have to be to audition and march?Per the WGI Rules and Regulations - members may be no older than 22 years of age as of 12:01PM on April 1, 2023. Students of all ages are welcome to attend auditions.
What can I expect from the audition process?Our audition process is primarily group oriented in a clinic format, layered with a small individual audition. The audition process consists of a music and visual skill set layered with a character/ individual compatibility portion. There will be multiple audition dates scheduled and prospective members are encouraged to attend all audition dates. Prospective members will have the opportunity to purchase our audition packet, which will consist of the audition materials needed, to prepare for the audition. Our staff will be on standby to support any questions or concerns from the auditionee. Have additional questions? Contact us -
Why does Atlas have a Member Advocate? What is the goal of Member Advocacy?All members of the marching arts should expect to participate in the activity under an umbrella of safety which includes safe housing, safe travel options, and a safe community to be a part of. Our member advocate’s goal is to make sure that all members are able to experience this and if a concern does arise, they are designated to resolve any human resource issues including interpersonal conflicts, sexual harassment, member safety, financial or transportation concerns, and any other conflict that could impact our members.
How does Atlas protect member safety?Atlas Percussion’s member advocate will be present 3 out of 4 rehearsal weekends at minimum per month with virtual office hours scheduled for any weekend the Member advocate is not present. This ensures that they are accessible every weekend either in person or virtually to all members. Atlas will have a secure whistleblower reporting system for members and staff to report any malpractice anonymously. Our members' safety policies including the ability to submit a report will be live prior to our auditions.

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